Müsahibə sualları: 5 il sonra özünüzü harada görürsünüz?... (2. hissə)

14 fevral, 2021 41 4 316

Müsahibə sualları: 5 il sonra özünüzü harada görürsünüz?... (2. hissə)

Nədənsə, ən çox “qıcıq” yaradan suallardan biri də “özünüzü 5 il sonra harada görürsünüz” sualıdır. Sosial şəbəkələrdə, ələlxüsus da Linkedİn seqmentində çox az adam tapılar ki, bu sualdan xoşu gəldiyini yazsın. Sualı başqa cür də qoymaq olar:

• Gələcək üçün planlarınız nədir?
• Karyera hədəfləriniz haqqında danışa bilərsiniz?

Yenə eyni təsiri bağışladı?

Ümumiyyətlə, necə qoyulursa qoyulsun, bu sual heç də hesab edildiyi kimi mənasız, boş, yersiz sual deyil. İşəgötürən tərəfindən doğru zamanda və doğru şəkildə verilmiş bu suala namizədin verdiyi səmimi cavab hər iki tərəf üçün çox böyük əhəmiyyət kəsb edir.
Müsahibədə bu sualın verilməsinin əsas məqsədi müsahibin ambisiya və hədəflərini müəyyənləşdirməkdir. Mütləq deyil ki, münəccim kimi 5 ildən sonra nə baş verəcəyini dəqiq bir şəkildə qarşı tərəfə izah edəsiniz. Qısaca olaraq məqsədlərinizdən, arzu və xəyallarınızdan bəhs edə bilərsiniz.
Suala səmimi və doğru cavab verməyin mənfi və müsbət tərəfləri var. Əgər İşəgötürən sizin çox ambisiyalı və hədəfli olduğunuzu görərsə, lakin təmsil etdiyi şirkət sizə məqsədlərinizə doğru irəliləmək imkanları yarada bilməyəcəksə, çox güman ki, sizi işə götürməsinlər. Çünki elə müsahibə ərəfəsində məlum olacaq ki, sizin karyera strategiyanız şirkətin mövcud strategiyası ilə üst-üstə düşmür.

Digər tərəfdən, müsahibə zamanı bu suala verilən:

- Heç bilmirəm nə deyim;
- Heç vaxt bu barədə düşünməmişəm;
- Sabah başıma nə gələcəyini bilmirəm, 5 il sonra nə olacağını haradan bilim – tipli cavablar qətiyyən qəbuledilməzdir. Belə cavablar sizin ətalətli, irəliləyişi sevməyən, laqeyd biri kimi təsir bağışlamağınıza səbəb olacaq. Həmçinin şəxsi həyatınızla bağlı planlar da bu sualın cavabı deyil. Məqsəd sizin şəxsi yox, iş həyatınızın müzakirəsidir.

Suala: “öz şəxsi biznesimi qurmağı düşünürəm” – cavabı da uyğun deyil. Çünki İşəgötürəndə bu cavabdan sonra şüuraltı olaraq elə bir fikir formalaşacaq ki, siz iş vaxtında ancaq 5 ildən sonra quracağınız şəxsi biznesinizlə məşğulsunuz və hal-hazırda işlədiyiniz Şirkət üçün heç bir səy göstərmirsiniz.
Suala cavab verərəkən, yuxarıda da qeyd etdiyim kimi, ambisiyalı olduğunuzu və qarşınıza hədəflər qoyduğunuzu vurğulaya bilərsiniz. LinkedIn-də bir neçə dəfə “Özünüzü 5 il sonra harada görürsünüz” sualı ilə bağlı postlarla qarşılaşmışam. Bir neçə dəfə belə bir cavab oxudum:
“Mənə bu sualı verdilər, cavab verdim ki, belə lap sizin yerinizdə görürəm özümü. “Eyçar” pərt oldu”.

Açığı, belə cavabı oxuyub mən də pərt oldum. Hər nə olursa, olsun, müsahibə kimisə pərt etmək və bundan zövq almaq prosesi deyil. Təcrübəsiz “eyçar”lar olduğu qədər, təcrübəsiz namizədlər də var. Bəlkə suala belə kobud və rişxəndlə cavab verməklə indiyədək “eyçar”lardan yığdığınız hirsinizi boşaltmış ola bilərsiniz, amma nəzərə alın ki, sualın cavabı ilə artıq arzuolunmayan namizədlər siyahısına düşdünüz. Digər tərəfdən, doğrudan da gələcək hədəflərinizdə menecer, şöbə rəisi olmaq varsa, “özümü sizin yerinizdə görürəm” yox, “mən də sizin kimi rəhbər vəzifədə çalışmaq istəyirəm”- deyin.

Sualı mütləq vəzifə ilə əlaqələndirmək lazım deyil. Təhsil, özünüz təkmilləşdirmək kimi planlarınızdan da danışa bilərsiniz:
“Qarşıdakı 5 il ərzində öz üzərimdə çalışmağı düşünürəm. İlk əvvəl MBA üzrə təhsil almağı planlaşdırıram. İşlədiyim sahə üzrə bir neçə beynəlxalq kvalifikasiya almağı, 5 il ərzində dil biliklərimi akademik səviyyəyə qaldırmağı qarşıma məqsəd qoymuşam”.

Əgər suala konkret cavabınız yoxdursa, o zaman neytral cavablar verə bilərsniz: “5 il ərzində Şirkətinizin mənə verəcəyi bütün imkanlardan istifadə edərək irəliləmək, bilik və bacarıqlarımı inkişaf etdirmək, yeni təcrübə qazanmaq istəyirəm”. Belə cavab İşəgötürəndə Sizə rəğbət oyadacaq, eyni zamanda əgər işə qəbul olunsanız, bir növ qarşı tərəfdə də məsuliyyət hiss etdirəcək.


Həmçinin oxuyun:
Müsahibə sualları: Mənə bir az ondan danış... (1. hissə)
Müsahibə sualları: Biz sizi niyə işə götürək?... (3. hissə)

Müəllif: Sevinc Qarakişiyeva

HR-AZ.com portalının paylaşımlarından xəbərdar olmaq üçün rəsmi Linkedin Telegram səhifələrimizi izləyə bilərsiniz.

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Dannie9 iyul 2024, 18:14
Digital staging solutions are increasingly popular in the real estate market.

Due to technological progress, such software allow realtors to craft stunning
virtual environments that appeal to potential buyers.

No longer do we need where actual furniture was mandatory.
Now, virtual home styling provides an affordable yet effective alternative.
Realtors can display homes at their finest eliminating the need for huge expenditures
on real furniture.

The process is easy. High-quality photos of the home are taken. These
pictures get uploaded into the digital staging tool.
Employing various furnishing options and tools, agents can digitally decorate the property.
Options include among numerous interior designs, from modern to

A key advantage of virtual staging is its flexibility.
Realtors can seamlessly modify the design to suit different tastes.
For instance, a family room can change from a minimalist aesthetic to a warm country ambiance in mere minutes.

Moreover, virtual staging assist prospective clients to visualize how a space can look.
Bare spaces can appear cold and cramped. By adding digital furniture,
areas seem bigger and more inviting. This can lead to quicker transactions and more competitive bids.

Cost is another significant factor that highlights virtual
staging. Physical staging requires a substantial investment, sometimes costing several thousand dollars.
In contrast, virtual staging costs a fraction. Prices typically range from several hundred dollars per space, making it a cost-effective solution for
a lot of property professionals.

Multiple virtual staging software on the market
today. Among the most favored options such as BoxBrownie, Virtual Staging Solutions, and Visual
Stager. Each tool offers distinct capabilities, such as a vast library
of furniture styles, user-friendly interfaces,
and fast processing.

In closing, virtual staging software; Kandy, is changing the property market.
This technology delivers realtors an effective way to present homes at their best.
Due to its economic advantages, versatility, and visual appeal, digital decor is the new standard for property sales.
Gus9 iyul 2024, 18:55
virtual staging software [club.dcrjs.com] have become popular for realtors.
Due to technological progress, these tools help professionals to craft stunning 3D spaces that appeal to potential buyers.

Gone are the days when physical staging was a necessity.
Nowadays, virtual staging presents an affordable yet effective solution. Agents are able to showcase properties at their finest without needing investing a
lot on real furniture.

The process is simple. High-quality photos of the listing are taken. These pictures
are transferred into the virtual home staging application. Using different design elements and tools,
agents can digitally decorate the space. Options include from an extensive array of
interior designs, from contemporary to classic.

A key advantage of virtual decor is found in its adaptability.
Professionals can quickly change the design to suit different tastes.

As an illustration, a family room can be transformed from a
simple design to a inviting country ambiance in a short time.

In addition, virtual staging help buyers to visualize what the home could be.
Empty rooms can appear uninviting and uninspiring. Using virtual decor,
areas appear larger and more inviting. This often results in faster sales and more competitive bids.

Another major consideration in favor of virtual staging.
Physical staging is costly, often running into thousands.
Conversely, virtual staging is relatively inexpensive.
Prices usually fall from a few hundred dollars per area, making this an economical solution for numerous agents.

Various virtual decor tools on the market today.
Among the most favored choices such as BoxBrownie,
VirtualStagingSolutions.com, and VisualStager. All platform provides distinct capabilities, like a wide
range of design options, easy-to-use interfaces, and fast processing.

In closing, virtual home staging solutions is changing the real
estate sector. This technology delivers agents a powerful method to present homes most
appealingly. With its cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and visual
appeal, digital decor is the future in the real estate business.
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Brittany9 iyul 2024, 20:04
Digital staging solutions have become popular for realtors.
With technological progress, these applications enable agents to craft visually appealing digital interiors
that captivate clients.

The era is over where actual furniture was mandatory.
Now, virtual home styling offers a budget-friendly and
time-saving approach. Agents are able to display homes at their finest without needing huge expenditures
on real furniture.

The process is easy. High-quality photos of the listing are photographed.
These pictures are transferred into the digital staging tool.
Utilizing different decorative items and tools, users can add virtual furniture to the rooms.
Options include from a wide range of furniture styles, from modern to classic.

An important benefit of virtual staging is found in its adaptability.
Realtors can seamlessly update the decor to
match various preferences. For example, a family room can switch from a sleek design to
a inviting rustic ambiance in mere minutes.

Moreover, digital staging assist prospective clients to imagine the potential of a property.
Bare spaces can appear uninviting and uninspiring.
By adding digital furniture, rooms seem bigger and more inviting.
This often results in quicker transactions and better offers.

Another major consideration that supports virtual home staging.
Traditional staging requires a substantial investment, sometimes costing several
thousand dollars. On the other hand, digital decor is affordable.
Prices typically range between a few hundred
dollars per area, making this a financially viable option for many realtors.

Multiple virtual decor tools that realtors can use.
Some of the most popular options include BoxBrownie.com, Virtual Staging Solutions, and Visual Stager.

Each platform offers distinct capabilities, like a vast library of furniture styles,
intuitive controls, and quick turnaround times.

In closing, virtual home staging solutions is changing the real estate sector.
This technology delivers realtors a valuable tool to market listings at their best.
Given its affordability, flexibility, and aesthetic impact, virtual staging
is here to stay in real estate marketing.

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AI advancements have integrated themselves into multiple aspects
of life. A notably provocative application of this science is the AI undresser.

AI undressers are software that employ deep learning to synthetically strip attire from images of people.

This innovation has sparked many ethical concerns.

On one hand, AI undressers have the potential to be utilized for beneficial purposes, such as healthcare evaluation and forensic investigations.

For example, in the healthcare field, AI undressers might help doctors to
more accurately examine the internal anatomy of the body.

This may enable better diagnostic processes and therapeutic

In legal cases, AI undressers may aid detectives by uncovering information that are
otherwise not apparent.

On the flip side, the risk of exploitation is significant.

There is a significant possibility that AI undressers may be misused
for voyeuristic purposes, leading to serious breaches of individual rights.

The power to remove clothing from someone digitally without their permission poses serious moral challenges.

There is a widespread belief that the availability of AI undressers violates basic principles of privacy.

As AI continues to evolve, the debate about AI undressers is expected to intensify.

There are calls for stringent regulation and moral frameworks
to control the deployment of AI undressers.

Many advocate for a middle ground that enables the
positive purposes of AI undressers while safeguarding privacy

In conclusion, AI undressers symbolize a contentious intersection of
advancement and morality.

The continuing discussion regarding their application highlights wider societal concerns about the place of AI in our society.

As we move through this brave era of AI, it is crucial that we consider the ethical
implications of our advancements.

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Jann13 iyul 2024, 17:02
AI innovations have integrated themselves into diverse aspects of life.
A distinctively contentious offshoot of this science is the AI

AI undressers are software that employ deep learning to virtually
remove clothing from images of people.

The appearance of such advancements has stimulated countless societal debates.

Some believe that AI undressers could be harnessed for positive uses, such as
clinical examination and forensic investigations.

For example, in the medical field, AI undressers might assist
doctors to more accurately see the hidden details of the patient.

This could result in better diagnostic processes and therapeutic strategies.

In forensics, AI undressers may assist investigators by revealing information that are normally not apparent.

However, the potential for exploitation is significant.

AI undressers could be leveraged for voyeuristic intentions,
leading to severe privacy breaches.

The potential to undress someone synthetically without their permission poses
serious legal dilemmas.

There is a strong concern that the creation of AI undressers violates core rights of personal

The debate regarding AI undressers is likely to intensify as
AI systems further evolve.

There are demands for rigorous oversight and ethical guidelines to
control the application of AI undressers.

Many advocate for a balance that allows the positive uses of AI undressers while protecting personal autonomy.

In conclusion, AI undressers embody a hotly debated crossroads of technology and morality.

The discussion about their existence reflects wider societal concerns about the
impact of AI in our society.

As we progress this brave era of artificial intelligence, it is crucial that we reflect on the social consequences of our technologies.

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Creating backlinks plays a vital role in digital marketing.
It involves obtaining links from third-party platforms to your
own. Backlinks are seen by Google as a recommendation for your website, which may
enhance your search rankings.

Importance of Backlinking
Backlinks indicate to search engines that your page is authoritative.
The more relevant backlinks you have, the better your site will rank in search results.

Types of Backlinks
There are various categories of backlinks
that affect your SEO differently:

Natural Backlinks: This category includes earned organically.
External sites refer to your content because they find it valuable.

Manual Backlinks: These are actively seeking links. This can be accomplished through reaching out to

Self-Created Backlinks: These links is generated by adding a link to a forum signature.

Quality vs. Quantity
In terms of backlinks, the quality trumps the number.

A single authoritative link from a reputable site is worth more than many spammy links.
Google evaluate the authority of the referring domain to decide the benefit
of the backlink.

How to Build Quality Backlinks
Below are some proven methods for building high-quality backlinks:

Guest Blogging: Submitting posts to authoritative
sites in your field can acquire backlinks to your page.

Content Marketing: Creating valuable and shareable content naturally attracts inbound links.

Broken Link Building: Locating broken links on external sites and suggesting
your page as a replacement.

Skyscraper Technique: Creating content that offer more value than existing content and reaching out to webmasters
that link to the outdated content.

Influencer Outreach: Connecting with industry leaders in your niche
to gain referrals.

Avoiding Black Hat Techniques
When acquiring backlinks, it’s important to not use unethical methods.

This involves buying links tools. These methods may result in being penalized from
Bing, which can harm your website’s visibility.

Monitoring and Analyzing Backlinks
Frequently reviewing and analyzing your external link structure is
crucial for SEO success. Employing services like Google
Search Console can help in tracking backlinks and spotting any

Building backlinks is still a key element of search
engine optimization
. By focusing on relevant and high-quality links, avoiding black hat
techniques, and frequently analyzing your backlink profile, you can enhance your website’s
ranking in SERPs.
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